A little help with a monthly check-in to review your organizing plan and make adjustments where necessary will go a long way.

Between a busy career or growing business, a young family, and a social life, you can’t find enough time to review your home’s storage and general organization needs and make the right adjustments. 

Our maintenance program is designed for people like you who don’t have enough time to organize your home. After we work with you to design an organizing and decluttering plan, we can agree on a maintenance program where we come in at pre-agreed intervals to check if the organizing plan is working.

If we find that you are still struggling to keep specific parts of your home organized, we will make adjustments to the plan. That may entail rearranging the furniture or even adding more or a different kind of storage.

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Free Up Mind Space With Our Home Maintenance Program​

Trying to keep up with the organizing demands of a family home can get overwhelming for the brain when you have a demanding career or a business that consumes a lot of your time and brain power. 

To stay sane, you want to come back to a calm, organized home, not to a cluttered living room and kitchen. That’s too much to handle for a brain that’s already tired from work. It’s not good for your mental health.

Besides allowing your brain time to rest and reset, an organized, clutter-free home can free up mind space to brainstorm more creative, effective ways to complete work tasks. That increases your productivity, which improves job satisfaction and leads to a happier, more fulfilled life.  

Our Maintenance Program Ensures That Your Home Evolves With You

At The Organization Pros we want to take the task of constantly figuring out what to move around, adjust, or add to ensure your home stays the organized sanctuary that it should be. 

We believe that with the right systems and storage options, clutter can be avoided. We also know that your organizing needs change as your life evolves. Even though the organizing solutions we suggest for your home are designed to be long-lasting, we know that your life circumstances can change.

A new addition to the family will add a nursery to the family home. That is just one of the additions or upgrades the new family member will demand. Furniture and storage in other parts of the room will also need to be reconfigured.

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